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How to store plastic water bottles correctly to avoid deterioration and odor?

Plastic water bottles are one of the most commonly used items in our daily lives, but if not stored correctly, they can easily deteriorate and produce odors. The correct storage method can extend the service life of plastic water bottles and keep drinking water fresh and healthy. Here are some proper ways to store plastic water bottles:

1. Choose high-quality plastic water bottles: When buying plastic water bottles, it is very important to choose good quality products. High-quality plastic materials do not deteriorate easily and do not release harmful substances. You can choose a plastic water bottle labeled "food grade material" to ensure its safety.

2. Clean the water bottle thoroughly: Always clean the water bottle thoroughly before use. Separate the bottle from the lid, wash it thoroughly with warm water and dish soap, then rinse it off with clean water. Avoid harsh cleaners, as they may leave a residue and produce an odor.

3. Dry completely: Before storing, make sure the plastic water bottle is completely dry. Both the bottle itself and the lid should be thoroughly dried before storage. A humid environment is a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause water bottles to deteriorate and smell.

4. Avoid direct sunlight: long-term exposure to sunlight will cause plastic deterioration and odor. Therefore, when storing plastic water bottles, you should avoid direct sunlight, and it is best to choose a cool and dry place, such as a cabinet or cabinet.

5. Avoid high temperature environment: High temperature will also have an adverse effect on plastic water bottles. Therefore, when storing plastic water bottles, try to avoid placing them in high temperature environments, such as next to the stove or inside the car. High temperatures can cause plastic materials to soften, release harmful substances, and cause plastic water bottles to deteriorate.

6. Replace your water bottle regularly: Plastic water bottles are not meant to last forever. Long-term use will cause deformation, deterioration and odor of the bottle. It is recommended to replace plastic water bottles regularly to ensure fresh and healthy drinking water. In general, it is more appropriate to replace it every 6-12 months.

7. Do not use water bottles with odors: If plastic water bottles have odors, they should be stopped immediately. Odors can be the result of bacterial or mold growth, which is harmful to health. Water bottles that still smell after cleaning should follow the recommendation in Article 6, that is, replace them immediately.

8. Avoid mixing water bottles: Regularly mixing multiple plastic water bottles may increase the risk of spreading bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended to use a separate water bottle for each member and avoid mixing.

9. Wash your water bottle regularly: In addition to thoroughly cleaning your water bottle after each use, a more thorough wash is recommended on a regular basis. It can be cleaned with a mixture of vinegar and water. Leave the bottle and lid in the mixture for a while, then rinse them off with clean water. This will completely remove bacteria and odors.