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How to maintain stainless steel bottles?

Stainless steel bottles are a very popular and practical drinking water container, but in order to keep its appearance and performance in the best condition, it needs to be properly maintained and cleaned. Here are some methods and tips for maintaining stainless steel bottles:

Avoid using alkaline cleaners: Stainless steel bottles are not recommended to use cleaners with alkaline ingredients, because long-term use of these cleaners may have a corrosive effect on the surface of the stainless steel bottle. It is recommended to use a neutral detergent or mild soapy water for cleaning.

Regular cleaning: It is recommended to thoroughly clean the stainless steel bottle after each use. Clean with warm water and soap or a neutral detergent. If there are stains or odors inside the stainless steel bottle, you can use diluted white vinegar or lemon juice to soak and clean.

Pay attention to dull rust treatment: If the surface of the stainless steel bottle has signs of rust, you can use detergent and soft cloth to clean. Using a small sponge or soft brush, gently wipe the stainless steel bottle to remove rust. After that, rinse and dry the bottle with water to prevent rust.

Avoid high temperature and freezing: Stainless steel bottles in use should avoid contact with high temperature and freezing environment, because this may cause deformation of the material or damage the vacuum sealing performance of the bottle. Stainless steel bottles should also not be heated in the microwave.

Prevent collision: Avoid collision between stainless steel bottles and sharp objects to prevent deformation or rupture of the bottle body. When carrying stainless steel bottles, it is best to use a special protective case or packaging to protect the bottle from external influences.

Check the vacuum seal regularly: If you are using a vacuum insulated stainless steel bottle, check the vacuum seal performance of the bottle every once in a while. You can fill the bottle with hot water, cover it, and invert it for a while. If no water seeps out, the vacuum seal is good.

Prevent odors and stains: Avoid placing drinks containing acidic or alkaline ingredients in stainless steel bottles for long periods of time, as this may cause odors or stains to develop. You can regularly soak and clean with diluted white vinegar or lemon juice to remove odors and stains.

Replace the seal ring regularly: If the stainless steel bottle is equipped with a seal ring, it is recommended to check the condition of the seal ring regularly and replace it as necessary. Broken or aged seals may affect the sealing performance of the bottle.

Avoid long-term storage: Stainless steel bottles that are not used for a long time should be placed in a dry and ventilated place to avoid moisture and odor. If it is not used for a long time, it is best to disassemble the various parts of the bottle, wash them and dry them, and store them in a dry place.